The Keys to Your Heart |
In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was arrogant, acting like the dictator of your life. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is 100%. You are not suited for a monogamous relationship. You think of marriage pessimistically. You don't think happy marriages exist anymore. In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered. |
Jag har som sagt fastnat i testträsket jag med :) Har hört på radion att smittan har sitt epicentrum i växjö;)
Intressant att du är ute efter ett långvarit förhållande och likväl med största sannolikhet lär vara otrogen. Kan bli en klurig ekvation, men inget ska ju vara lätt. *ler*
Ja det där var ett mycket skumt test måste jag säga. det var ärligt talat skummare än ondskefulle-testet *ser förvirrad ut*
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